Friday, June 24, 2011

Consider the Ants...

We took the kids on a hike today.  While we were out, I found this really cool ant trail.  
And, no, Jennabeth in NOT sitting in ants!  She just drew a circle around herself in the dirt.  (The straight lines that are in front of her are ant trails.)  They were some pretty good sized ants for this part of the country, I thought.  

You really can't see them very well.  Maybe they weren't that big after all.  
We crumbled up some chips and fed the ants.
We watched them work together and carry off those chips to their little, ant pantries.

It was a great opportunity to teach the kids some new Bible verse: 
"Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest." ~ Proverbs 6:6-8

It was fun to make a Bible verse come alive and to teach them that God, Himself is pleased when we grow healthy food and put it up for winter.  My girls love to can veggies and they are already good, hard workers.  (And they know better how to can than most adults!  I'm very proud of them.)  It was a really fun day! 

Guess we'll have to make ourselves an ant farm now!  That would be fun!

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  1. We bought an ant farm one time and after studying ants we talked about how we are to learn from them. Even I learned a lot!

  2. I had an ant farm when I was younger. SO, I decided to make one with my children. I'm just going to use a mason jar...we'll see how this works. Ants really are amazing little creatures!

  3. always wished someone would teach me how to can. now I have no wish to can, but glad my kids are learning from others how to. your children are being blessed by your teaching them while they are young and interested in learning.

  4. Thank you, Mrs. Worth! They are fun to teach! =D I wouldn't trade my "job" for any other in the whole world! =) I love doing what I do!!
