Ministry Wives Corner

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Fun with Slime

All kids love play dough, but SLIME is way better than any play dough.  If you've never made it, your kids (and you) are missing out!  It's so fun!

 See how much fun he's having!?!

To tell the truth, I probably like this stuff more than my kids do.  I can't help it.  I just think it's so cool!  It's so easy to make, and did I mention it's lots of fun??

What you need:
Fill one small cup with water and add a teaspoon of borax.  Mix well (Don't worry if you can see the borax on the bottom of the cup.  It still works.) and set aside.

Fill the other small cup with about an inch (however much you want really) of white craft glue.  Add 3 tablespoons of water to the glue and stir.

 Add food coloring until you get the color you just love.
We didn't have blue, so neon orange was his next color of choice.

Add a spoon full of the water/borax mixture and stir.  Almost immediately You will be able to see the slime forming into a ball.

If your slime is, well, slimy, you may want to add a little more of the borax mixture.  You don't want it to be runny.  If you add too much it will end up kinda hard.  Just add enough so that the runny part stops dripping.

Let the fun begin!!  
You will be able to play with it immediately!
(He's such a ham!)

To store simply keep in a baggy.  
You can label the bags so that everyone knows who's is who's.  


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  1. How fun is that! So glad I found you! Definately on my things to do list for a snowed in winter. :)

  2. I've seen this done before! I always have Borax around so I'll have to try this but maybe when my son is not around hee hee! Thanks for linking up!!

  3. Thanks for linking up! Definitely going to have to try this!
