Sunday, April 29, 2012

Are You an Accomplished Mom?

Not to brag or anything, but, I am!!  No, I really am!  I accomplish 73 things at least 4 times each every day and by the time I go to bed, it's time to start accomplishing again!!

My husband used to ask me the dreaded question:  "what have you done all day?"


Finally, one day, I wrote everything down!  If it got done, it went on the list ~ if it was done 3 times I wrote it down 3 times...and I wasn't careful to keep it clean.  I figured a wet, grease spotted paper would just help to prove my point!  I couldn't help it if my hands were still wet when I wrote "washed the dishes...again".  ;)

Then, I nailed my list to the front door where he would be sure to see it.

photo credit
I'll never forget him asking if I thought I was Martin Luther nailing my 95 Theses to the wall.  My answer: Don't even compare me to Luther!  I've accomplished more in one day than that man did in his entire life...did you read the list??

Ok, maybe I exaggerate, Luther may have accomplished an extra thing or 2, but seriously...

So, when the merry-go-round slows down long enough for you to jump off and into your bed, you can sleep well knowing that you've accomplished more than Martin Luther, himself!   I mean, let's face it.  Not only did you accomplish those 73 things over and over, but you also blessed your husband by fixing his dinner, washing his laundry, and making a cozy home for him to rest in every night.  So, in a sense, all the things that he has accomplished can go on YOUR list of accomplishments too, because he couldn't do it all without you being home to support him!  {I'm always more than happy to take credit for the things Jeremy has done!}  =D

And there's loved, nursed, and trained your children in the way that they should go.  Every day matters when it comes to those little critters.  They are watching you and they will become what you are.  It's a scary thought, but a true one!  They want to be like you.

As Wallace said, "The hand that rocks the cradel, rules the world".   Yep!  You guessed it!  Whatever my children accomplish will go on my ever-growing list of accomplishments too!!  My list is growing by the second!!

Your house may not be perfect.  The things you did again and again may yet need to be done, but you can be thankful that you have a place in this world!  You are accomplishing things in the long run and in the present.  Your husband is busy now doing whatever God has called him to because you are willing to support him.  And, in the future, your children will be making an impact because of the things you did today.

Lets be sure we do those things with a happy heart and a right spirit!! 

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