By a year old she still didn't have a tooth in her head! I took her to the doc to make sure there was something in there. I was starting to wonder how much baby dentures cost! Finally, at 14 months old she began to get a tooth. I was relieved. That night I realized that she was getting 2 teeth. That was ok with me. At her age she needed more than one tooth. That was a long night for me, in fact, that was a long 2 weeks. To make a long story short, she got 8 teeth in 14 days!
I wanted to die. She wasn't too happy either. At that point I was ready to take her to the dentist and have them all extracted. I mean, who cares how much baby dentures cost?? It would have been worth it to me. She had every symptom in the book. She went through so many clothes due to overflowing diapers that I eventually just let her go with just a diaper, and kept her confined to an area that was protected by towels. Just thinking about it all makes my head hurt!
Here are a few of the things that I did for her:
- Frozen bananas...let her chew away
- Frozen, whole, wheat bagels...same thing.
- A whole, fresh, peeled carrot...not the baby carrots or cut carrots. We don't want them to choke.
- I took a frozen wash cloth and my finger and massaged her gums a little to help relieve some of the pressure.
- She liked anything cold. Cold pudding, cold jello, cold applesauce...anything to kinda numb her up.
- Of coarse, you have the teething rings and things, but I thought a baby tooth brush worked even better.
- To protect the chin area from drooling, which can cause chaffing, you can use petroleum jelly or zinc ointment. Most diaper rash ointment has zinc in it, or you can get zinc oxide.
"Thing 2"...working on her 6 year molars now, but with much less drama!!
Thank goodness!!
reading some of your posts. very informative. thank you for all your research and willingness to share what you learn. Sue