Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bradley's Story

Recently, I explained why we don't shoot our children anymore.  After that post I was contacted by a friend, who told me the story of her son.  She said I could post it here for you to read. 


This is how Bradley's Mom tells his story:

I strongly believe the MMR Vaccine is what caused my son, Bradley, to be so severely Autistic. Of course this happened in Panama, and with that being a third world country, there wasn't much I could do about it.

He was given a double dose of the MMR (MEASLES, MUMPS, and RUBELLA) vaccine at the age of 6 months old.

Prior to the MMR, he started to develop like a normal baby.  At 5 months old, he was starting to say clear words, and only cried when he was hungry.  After his 6 month shots he went down hill real fast. He stopped talking and communicating, and he started having what appeared to be seizures.  He would foam out the mouth and scream at the top of his lungs.  I was so scared.

When he got a little older he had an M.R.I  It was then, that we found out that these "episodes" were not seizures. We still were not sure what was causing the problems.  Then, at 9 months old, he would get under the table and have huge fits, worse than any that I have ever seen.  He was never happy.  In fact, I had 2 boys and they were like night & day, just so opposite.

I was so devastated, and I felt so helpless.  We finally decided to take him to a Panamanian doctor.  He evaluated Bradley, and interviewed me.   After it was all said and done, he told me that because of his age there was nothing that could be done. He informed us that when we returned to the States the doctors there would probably diagnose him with A.D.H.D ( Due to better technology in the states ) .

I was not at peace and I was very discouraged.  That was a very rough time because a mother just knows when something is wrong with her baby.  Bradley never snapped out of it, and to this day, he is still severely Autistic.  He was diagnosed as having P.D.D ( Pervasive Developmental Disorder - which is a generic term for Autism) at the age of 3.  Shortly after the diagnosis of PDD, he was diagnosed with SEVERE Autism.

When Bradley was 6 yrs old, the military moved us again. That was when I realized that he had been given a double dose of the MMR vaccine when he was 6 month old.   I was able to enroll him in a real good special needs program, (in this state, you can't withhold a special needs child from school) and boom!...just when I thought everything was about to get normal and settle down, the State called me, and informed me that State laws say that if a child was over vaccinated at 6 months, they must be vaccinated twice in order to go to school.

I was forced to pull him out of school, and get him a second MMR shot as soon as possible, or the state was going to remove Bradley from my home and place him in foster care. I was shocked!!

SO,  I took Bradley to the base immune clinic the next day.  I felt so much better when they reassured me that everything would be OK.   They informed me that the reason he was most likely over dosed to begin with was due to a big outbreak of measles that had gone around in Panama while we had lived there.  I'm sure that at the time they were simply taking high measures and precautions, but they did this without my consent.  I was never asked to sign a  consent form for him to be double dosed.  I never would have approve of that.

I prayed about it  and I did feel at peace to allow the  double dose of MMR at the age of 5.  Thank the good Lord that second time around didn’t affect him.  By the time I had my daughter, Olivia, I was so scared of vaccinations of any kind because of what they had done to Bradley.

Bradley is nearly 18 years old now, and It’s pretty challenging at times to keep up with him because his brain is not fully developed.  He’s like a little baby in a big guy body, and he's very high maintenance.  He runs wild and he’s not aware of anything . He has no since of direction. We actually almost lost him, so I’m very thankful to still have him.   He’s a piece of work but he’s so well worth it all : )

My husband and I pray that we all get to go home to Heaven in the rapture together as a family because, if anything happens to my husband or myself prior to Bradley, we know that no one on the face of this earth could care for him, handle him, keep up with him, but most of all LOVE him like we have : )

He’s so special and I can’t imagine life without him!  We have been told that we need to institute him, but we just can't do that.  God gave that child to us not to an institution.  It’s so scary as he gets older because he is becoming a lot more independent.

Recently, he wanted to go outside and play Frisbee.  He is very mind set and highly demanding even though he can’t communicate well.  He grabbed my sandals and handed them to my husband.  It was his way of saying, "Daddy, put these shoes on and come play with me".  A little later, my husband ran to the store and Bradley,  for the first time slipped his shoes on by himself.  They weren't on all the way;  they were hanging off his feet, but he jumped up and dashed out the door for the first time ever.  He just about gave me a heart attack.  He doesn't understand that cars can hurt him.  He doesn't know to watch out or to move when he sees one coming.  He’s in his own little world.

I pray for his protection all the way around and God has brought my lil' man through so very much!  I must admit to having all three of my kids vaccinated.  I didn't know that I was allowed to say no.  I thought shots were mandatory.  When I started to research it, I started to  realized how much damage they can do.  I now refuse most shots. I'm so glad to be done with them!

1 comment:

  1. This story is of a boy who I find charming and funny. Curious and determined. He's a happy not-so-little guy faced with challenges most of us will never understand. But there's a side to this story his mom didn't mention and that is the fact that he's been blessed with two very loving, caring, nurturing parents who are perfect for Bradley. He is loved and cared for in the best way any child deserves and his parents do a fabulous job with him and their other two chldren:) I count it a blessing to know Bradley.
    It might have been unfortunate circumstances that brought him where he is, but it's God who sustains he and his family and what a belssing they are!
