- A small bulletin board. {A friend of mine was getting rid of one, so we got ours for free!!}
- A piece of fabric. {Just so happens that my second daughter LOVES green and I had just enough of this green fabric left over from some curtains that I made a while back!}
- Ribbon to clip the bows to. {I also already had this purple ribbon left over from some other projects and my oldest daughter's favorite color is purple...at the moment. So, it all worked out perfectly! And for FREE!} Gotta love FREE!!!
All we did:
- Iron the wrinkles out of the fabric.
- Hot glue the edges of the fabric to the back of the board.
- Space the ribbons at equal intervals on the board and hot glue them on the back of the board.
- That's it!! Clip the hair bows to the ribbons and hang the board on the wall or prop it up like we did. I'd rather hang it, but our board doesn't have a way to hang it just yet, so we propped it up against the wall.
And there you have it! A hair bow board! To order hair bows to go on your board you can contact Rachel at Rachel's Ribbon Candy! She makes beautiful hair bows of all kind and she makes even cuter boards than this one! Go like her on facebook and take a look around at everything she has!! You won't be disappointed!
For more ideas on how to make your own board, you can visit Tascha at Becoming God's Gift! She used some super cute magnets to organize her little girls' hair bows!
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What a cute idea. I love it!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Amy!