Healthy Living:
- Healthy Fats
- Preservative Free Me
- Homemade Baby Wipes
- Homemade Baby Food
- To Vaccinate, or Not to Vaccinate??
- Why We Don't Get the Flu Shot
- The Great Sugar Debate
- Sunglasses
- Bug Repellants
- Bed Bugs
- Miraculous Baking Soda
- Plastic Dangers
- Healthy Cosmetics
- Acne Cleansers
- Natural Teething Tips
- Allergy Relief
- Colloidal Metals
- Is Your Cookware Safe??
- Seasoning Cast Iron
- 6 Things I NEVER Buy
- Flu/Cold Medications - God's Way
- Oil Pulling
- Lemon Water
- Reading Ingredient Labels

- Laundry Detergent and Dryer Sheets
- Fabric Softener
- Deodorant - No Aluminum
- Dish Washing Detergent
- Liquid Dish Soap
- Soap
Home Remedies:
**I am not a doctor, or an herbalist and the information mentioned in these posts is strictly based on my own reading and personal experiments. I strongly recommend that you study up on any herbs mentioned in these posts and make sure that they are right for you and your family. Nothing that I say or recommend is designed to cure or prevent disease.**
- Simple Home Remedies By Jill from Jill's Home Remedies
- Herbal Antibiotics ~ Ear Infections
- Herbs for Expectant/Lactating Mothers
- Getting rid of parasites and other toxins
- Releasing Tension and Anxiety
- Allergies and Bee Pollen
- Allergy Relief
- Acne Cleansers
- Tea Tree Oil
- Aloe Vera
- Herbal antidotes for Whining = )
- Teething Tips
- Get "spicy" out of eyes
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