Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sharing The Gospel

I've heard more excuses for not going on visitation!!  

I don't have the time.  I don't have a way to get there.  I have children.  I don't know what to say.  I'm shy.  It's too hot/cold outside.  I believe in "lifestyle evangelism".  As a lady, I don't feel it proper for me to talk to men. 
My {very kind} rebuttals to these arguments:
  • If you don't have the time to tell others about Jesus, you are too busy.  
  • Don't know what to say? - tell them your story and read 2 or 3 familiar verses.  They can't argue with that.
  • Too hot or cold? - Be sure you're not exaggerating the case and send letters, or make phone calls.
  • Lifestyle evangelism is a good thing as long as you are actually living like a Christian and using your mouth to tell others about Jesus.
  • Don't feel it's proper to talk to a man as a lady?  Join the group!  I don't either.  I do hand out tracts and invite men to church.  I do it in public and I make sure I never go in a house where there's only a man and no wife present.  I also never go to a house alone.  {I still don't go in the house if there's not a wife present - even with a soul-winning partner...unless it's my husband.}
Some creative ways to share the Gospel:
  • Be sure your children are saved!  Don't get so busy worried about everyone else that you forget your children.  What will it profit you to tell the world and lose your children??
  • Train your children to talk to their friends and family members about Jesus.  Some may say no to you and be rude, but very few will behave like that to a child.
  • Hand out tracts and invitations to your church as you do your business around town.  I keep a stack of tracts available so that I can grab them easily and whip it out before they even notice that I was searching for anything.  If they take it, they'll have it to read later.  If they don't you did your part and God knows that.  If they take it and are interested you have an open door to share more!! Teach your children to do the same.  This way God will not require blood at your hand on Judgement Day.
  • Call {or email} a friend, co-worker, or family member that you know needs to be saved and tell them over the phone.  Tell them you love them and you want them to know it.  I think this is actually harder than talking to people I don't know.  Harder, maybe.  But necessary and well worth it!  
  • Look in the news paper and send out letters of congratulations/encouragement along with an invitation to church to ladies who have had babies, just got married, or lost loved ones.  Send them letters telling them that you are from your church and that you wanted them to know that you are praying for them and if they ever need anything they can come to your church and ask for you and you will be glad to help them.  I suggest using the church address as the return address since you don't want strangers contacting you at your home where your children are.  
  • Look the part.  Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart.  The latter is so true!  God does look at the heart, but the other part is true too.  Man looks at the outside.  Can people tell that you are a Christian when you go out?  A few years ago my husband and I went out with another couple.  While we were eating an older couple came up to us and asked us if we were Christians.  My friend's husband answered for us that yes, we were all Christians.  The man looked surprised.  "You go to church to?" he asked our friend.  I was a little embarrassed for them.  You see, people look at the outside.  There's no way they can see the heart on first glance.  We must look the part!
  • Canvass your neighborhood with your children.  Do you sell candy bars or girl scout cookies door to door?  Why can't you knock and simply give them information and a smile of encouragement rather than asking them to buy something?  You never know.  Your efforts could be rewarded with a friend and a soul that is saved from Hell and added to your church!
Remember all we are required to do is share the Gospel and HE promised He'd do the rest.  Of coarse we must also live the Christian life around those people or they will not want what we have.  But "evangelism" is more than simply living a good life.  We MUST tell those we know and see about our Saviour!  We know something WONDERFUL that they may not.  Wouldn't you want them to tell you or your child if the tables were turned??

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    1. Excellent post Angela filled with great tips and advice. I admit, it is hard for me to evangelize! I love how you mentioned sending notes or cards to people from the newspaper. That's a neat idea. :)

    2. Good tips and advice... and a good reminder to stay faithful.
      As missionaries, we have found that we usually have no one to babysit our children for visiting. My husband is encouraged for me to go along, and not to go alone. So.... we came up with "Saturday Morning Cartoons". This includes taking the dvd player in the car, with a fun snack, so the kids can spend Saturday morning bundled and buckled in the car, and we knock on the doors. The houses are spread out in the part of town that we have been doing, so we drive from place to place and leave them in the car:)
      And... in Canada, there is such a thing as TOO COLD! We have found that if it is -20C or colder... people DON'T open their doors. This was something that we had to find out over time:)

    3. I can imagine that it would be too cold up there! We don't go out here if it's too cold either. I was just speaking about those that are too cold one week and too hot the next. ;) You know how that goes. =)

      I love your idea of Saturday morning cartoons and I bet your kids love it too. Definitely a win-win situation!
