So many new challenges and changes since last I wrote. So many blessings with trials mixed in. So many things to talk about and thank God for.
Not even sure where to start, so let's just start with a brief update on my family. In so many ways we have been through the fire and come out (nearly) unscathed.... It's funny how God works. He sends trials that seem way too hard and then when it's all said and done you realize that you're better off. Better because you learned how to respond. Better because you learned how to help another hurting person (or what not to do). Better off because you learned to trust Him even more .'s been nearly 4 years since I have been able to blog faithfully. There are several reasons. One, my youngest grew old enough to attend school, which meant I had to work to help pay the bill. While I was blessed to work as a secretary and teacher's aid/substitute at the Christian school they attended, I missed being home where I belong.
Second, my computer died. Through a series of events (which I will certainly tell about) I began to pray for a computer so that I could encourage others. Yesterday, a friend GAVE me a refurbished computer!! Again, I am left with the knowledge that God knows WHAT and WHEN is best.
I'm rambling...what has happened since I last wrote? Well.... Let's see... we (as in my husband) took a lead pastor position, I became the administrator and 7th/8th grade teacher of a very small Christian school for a couple of years until....
...SURPRISE, SURPRISE....I discovered I was pregnant (after being told I couldn't have any more children)....with TWINS!!!
A twin pregnancy in itself was enough to wear me out (I nearly lost my right kidney - the pain was ridiculous!), but God is good and we all survived intact minus a few brain cells... The babies, identical twins named Mercy and Grace, were born on January 5th of 2016. They were good size for being early (both over 5 lbs.), but they did have to stay in the NICU until they could keep their temperatures up. They are the sweetest little things even if I happen to have torn ligaments due to carrying them both and their junk - a grand total of 50+ pounds.
I digress....
I will continue to talk about living naturally. I have learned how to use essential oils, make kombucha, and started keeping chickens in the past 4 years. Oh, and, somehow, God answered prayers and allowed my husband to get on board with my healthy ideas....or at least most of them... ;)
I will be changing the blog up somewhat to include my 2 newest ventures (beside being a twin mama) - ladies ministry and my new home business (and did I mention that I will also be homeschooling my older 4 from now on...?). Oh, yeah...there's plenty to cover.
Ladies Ministry -- For all of you who are involved with ministry in any way, I hope to encourage you and be encouraged by you. This past April I was allowed to host my first ever ladies conference. It was AMAZING! God allowed it to come together and fall into place the way HE wanted it to. I know it was the way HE wanted because of the way so much of it fell into place...and the way the devil fought! It was proof enough that LADIES are of upmost importance to the spiritual well being of their families, and their churches. I cannot wait to share more of this conference with you and a few of the details that we're planning for next year. I can't share all because I don't want to ruin any surprises for those who are planning to attend in 2018.

As far as my new, in-home business....well, let me just say that I have found something that is working for me (finally!!!). I plan to share it with you - how easy it is, and how God has used it to help pay some bills and how it actually HELPS others live healthier and save money - and who wouldn't want to do either of those, right? It's nice to think I can make money from home while helping people SAVE money!!
Overall, God has been good.... all those trials I mentioned are covered with His grace and mercy..... I will mention some of them now and again when I feel that they might be helpful or encouraging, but for now, I want to think about and praise God for all of the blessings He has given (beside the fact that this post is way too long as it is!).
I do hope you will be encouraged by this blog and willing to rejoin us as we once again try to share the treasures that are found in living for God and searching His Word. I pray this will be place of encouragement and inspiration for many.
Thank you for taking the time to read this lengthy post, if indeed, you have lasted this long! :D
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