Monday, July 8, 2013

U.S. Geography Made Personal!

SUMMER SCHOOL!!  ~ My kids love it!  {Believe it or not, they beg to do it every day.} 

I chose a few topics I wanted them to learn this summer and U.S. Geography just happened to be one of them.

{I love Geography!}

We bought a good size map for only $10.00 at Hobby Lobby - my favorite store EVER!!  We also bought star stickers, which came in a package of 5 different colors.  This worked out perfectly since I have 4 kids and we had a cousin at our house the day we started our project.   Each kid was able to have his/her own color to put on each state they're been to. 

Each kid had to find all of the states they've been to, tell me the name of those state, find the capitols, and then tell me something they had done or remembered about that state.  They had a blast!  {Kinda hard to see all the stars for the glare on the picture above.}

Now, that we have the stars on the map, we've been learning the Capitols, and discussing the states we've yet to visit.  What's there?  What's the weather like?  What kind of animals live in that state?  ** My personal favorite question ~ What famous person is from a particular state?  These types of things....

It makes Geography come alive when you put a more personal spin on it! 

Oh, and did I mention, they're all trying to beat each other at getting more stars on the map?  Not sure how that's going to go down since they all go everywhere together, but we shall see....  =D

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a very neat idea. You children probably know more about geography than I do (at nearly 70 years old) as I never knew learned much about it that I could remember.
