Wednesday, July 10, 2013

"God's Smuggler"

I love to read.  The problem with books is that my kids like to eat and my husband enjoys a clean house.  As soon as I pick up a book, some most of the above goes straight out the window!  I just hate to put the thing down!  

For that reason, I do a lot of on line reading.  It's so much easier to stop reading an article than it is to put a book down.  Not to mention, books tend to have chapters while articles have only paragraphs. 

Reciently, I've been reading a book by "Brother Andrew" and John and Elizabeth Sherrill.  God's Smuggler.  It's fan-TAS-tic!!  

If you're into missionary stories; if you're into adventure and present day miracles; if you're into answered prayers and living a life of faith - then this is the book for you!!  It's absolutely filled with God's power and His provision!

I read this book for the first time when I was in 6th grade.  It made such an impression on me that, even then, I decided that my future children would be required to read it one day.  I bought the book this spring and I read it from cover to cover - again!!  It's still just as awesome as I remember.  If not more so.  

 I'm in the process of reading it, chapter by chapter, to my children.


God's Smuggler is about a Dutch missionary, known as "Brother Andrew" who goes behind the iron curtain delivering Bibles to Christians and pastors of churches who don't have any.  He lives by faith - completely by faith.  He never askes any one for anything!  He doesn't even go around gathering support from churches.  He simply trusts God to provide for his ministry and his family.  

The whole book is amazing.  Right down to the very end where I discovered that the very people he was hiding from - the KGB - had been required to read his story.  They knew what he was doing, but couldn't arrest him because they couldn't ever catch him.  Could it be because he prayed, "God, you've made blind eyes see.  Please, make seeing eyes blind!"?  Could God have answered that prayer - over and over again??  He had Bibles.  No one ever saw them at any of the boarder checks - not even when he left them out in plain sight on the seat beside him.  No one ever stopped him.  No one!  Could God work such miracles??  Ummm....yeess....!! 

And, I believe He can and WILL work such miricles in our lives today if we let Him!  You may ask how we can STOP Him?  

By lacking faith!!   

Matthew 9:29 - According to your faith be it unto you.

I don't have any links or get paid for advertising this book.  I'm simply recommending it because this is the kind of thing I want my kids to know.  In my opinion, this is the kind of thing Christians to need more of!  

Do consider it - especially if you have children or grandchildren.  It's easy reading, and filled with adventure!  It's life changing!!  

Please, leave me a message below if you decide to give it a try!  I'd love to know your thoughts too!! 

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