Tuesday, November 1, 2011

9 Years Ago Today....

My oldest child was born.  She was a beautiful little big baby with blue eyes and little bits of bright red hair.  {That was shocking to me since no one in my family has red hair!}  She weighed 8 pounds and 9 ounces and didn't like to cry...such a good baby!  When she did cry, she would only stop for her daddy.  As soon as she heard his voice, she would stop crying and turn his direction.  She loved her daddy from the beginning.  {Actually, she would stop moving when she heard his voice BEFORE she was born....} 

Her delivery was long and painless since I had an epidural.  My blood pressure was super high and I was at risk for stroke.  Long story short...I was in labor all day long.  We were in Atlanta, GA.  But my grandma was in WI praying all day long that her first great-grand child would NOT be born on Halloween.  The only problem is she didn't stop praying when it was mid-night in Atlanta.  She stopped praying an hour later when it was mid-night in WI.  ;)  18 minuets later our little girl was born at 1:18 A.M. {Atlanta time} on the morning of November 1, 2002.  My grandma got her prayer answered.  And I have a GREAT birth story to share with my daughter every year on her birthday!!

She was healthy and strong, but I was hemorrhaging.  I had suffered fourth degree lacerations and I'll spare you the details.  I want to get on to the miracle...

The doctor ordered a blood transfusion immediately which was already half ready...just in case.  I heard the order and begged him not to do it.  I was afraid because I had only heard bad things about them.  I, personally, know of at least 2 people that have diseases because of blood transfusions.  I didn't want anything to do with it.  The doctor told me that he wouldn't go through with the transfusion if the bleeding stopped by the time the transfusion was ready.  I laid there and prayed for about 2 minuets.  And that was all it took.  The transfusion was ready that fast!  I was mad at the doctor.  He didn't give me enough time!  He came around to the bed side and told me that he had waited long enough.  It was time.  I told him to check me once more first.  {Even though we could still hear the blood pouring...}

He agreed - reluctantly - and the bleeding stopped as he was checking!!  He was amazed.  I wasn't...I was just relieved.  :)

He said it was as if someone had put their hand up and stopped the bleeding as he was watching!!  I informed him that indeed Someone had stopped the bleeding. 

I was weak for almost 3 months after that, but at least all the blood in my veins was my very own!  =D  I did eventually get back to normal...whatever "normal" is??  I am anemic now more than I used to be.  I'm assuming it has to do with all that I've just told you, but.... 

It was sooo worth it!  I got a beautiful baby girl and a wonderful story of how God took care of all of us through it!  God still works miracles! 

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1 comment:

  1. beautiful story! i also know of people who were diagnosed with disease from a blood transfusion.
    but I also am aware of the opposite situations.
    but completely understand your desire to not have one!
