I could never hope to list everything that God has done for me. (I would if I could; you know me and my lists!) But this I know: God works EVERYthing for His glory and our good. He has been so incredibly good to me and my family these past months and I have so much to thank Him for! So many needs met... So many fears relieved.... So many prayers answered... And He wants to do that for YOU too. It doesn't matter who you are or what you've been through. God can and will (if you let Him) take you and your circumstances and make something great out of you! He's still working on me to make what I ought to be.... So many thoughts and ideas running through my head tonight. I just can't even began to communicate them all, so I won't. I'll just say I love my family and my God. I love my little children.
There's nothing more precious than a little child...especially a sleeping child! Thank you, God for those little rewards You've given me!
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