We've been keeping it where I like since it's been soo HOT this summer. The AC can't keep up with it. In fact, today is the first day it's actually been the temperature we set it on. Recently we've had it set on 75 and it's been telling us it's 82 in here....even with the AC plugging away all day long. I think the humidity has been too much for it (and me!). I hate to see this bill!
But, did you know that there is thermostat war of a different kind raging in homes all across America today??
Mother, you are the heart of your home. YOU are the thermostat in your home. You will be the one who determines the temperature of your home. Is it warm and inviting because you do your job and minister with love and kindness at home? Or is it cold and dirty; kinda un-inviting, because you are too busy with your career or hobbies to do the things that should be most important?
Proverbs 21:19 ~ It is better to dwell the wilderness than with a contentious and angry woman.
Proverbs 27:15 ~ A continuous dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike.Would your husband and children rather live alone in the desert than in your home - just to get away from you and your angry outbursts? Or, perhaps, your manipulative ways? Do you have irritating habits; do you make snide remarks until you get your way? I'd love to think that I don't ever irritate anyone, but the truth is, we all have those strange habits that irritate others. Some are innocent and others are downright sinful. All need to be improved on. Some more than others.
Smiling is the biggest, easiest, and most important one. It doesn't cost anything, doesn't take too long to produce and certainly isn't very painful! A smile can make you and the person (or people) who receive it feel better. One smile from Mama can encourage a child to do his best, to keep trying until he succeeds, and help him look forward to coming home.
- Prov. 17:17 ~ A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.... A smile is healthy for you and it's recipient.
- Philippians 4:4 ~Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say rejoice. We are to rejoice, even when we don't think we can. Sometimes it takes more faith than others. Sometimes we may have to 'fake it', but all the time, we should try to greet our husbands and children with a smile!
- Psalm 113:9 ~ He maketh the barren women to keep house and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord.
- Psalm 118:1 ~ O Give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.
- Psalm 150:6 ~ Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.
- Psalm 149:6 ~ Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two edged sword in their hand;
This week I want to encourage and inspire you (and me) to smile more often.
- When your children or husband come home or walk into the room.
- When you call them by name.
- When you hand them their lunch plate (and even when they return it to you dirty).
- When you tuck them in at night.
- When you hand them the broom and tell them to sweep the back porch. (It's easy to smile here!)
- When you give them permission to do that really cool thing....
- When they tell you that same joke (that isn't really funny) for the 10th time...
- Every chance you get!
I want to inspire you to try to smile more. It's an easy first step to warming up our homes!
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Oh wow! Nothing like a random household object like a thermostat to convict me! LOL! :) Thanks Angela for this great reminder!
ReplyDeleteLOL I'm doing this series because it's been on my heart for a while now, and because I need it too. The weird thing is our pastor just said something about the mom being the spirit of the home yesterday in church too after I've been planning this for a while! I thought that was too crazy! =)