Like I said, the pictures really aren't that great. My camera battery was dying on me. But I was really impressed with these hair bows!
<-------These are my favorite! When I ordered them, I told her I wanted lots of flowers and lots of colors to match lots of different outfits.
I'd say she definitely came through on it! I'm super excited about it. There's nothing better than seeing you daughters all dressed up and looking girly!
These are cute too! I asked for a froggy bow for my froggy girl and an autumn bow for my oldest who was born in November. I think she did very well designing both of those bows! You really can't see them well. I'm kinda irritated at myself for the quality of these pictures.
And here you have some of my other favorites! More flowers. These are on head bands! My personal favorite is the autumn one!
I'm so excited to see my girls wear these!
Notice my son's cute little head in the background. Between fighting with my dying battery and my flash, I didn't realize that he had placed himself in the picture. He seemed pleased when I mentioned that he was in the picture. ;)
I hope you will go on over to Rachel's Ribbon Candy Facebook page and like it. Take a look around and see what she has. You can buy things she has on hand or have your bows custom made. That's what I did. I told her what I wanted and she whipped them all up in about 2 days! I couldn't be happier with them. Thank you so much, Rachel!
She makes all kinds of bows: seasonal, sports related, even her "back to school" bows were adorable! Anything you want. Go on over and see for yourself. Be sure you tell her Hidden Treasures sent you!
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These are so cute!!!