Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Razor Burn Anyone?

Someone asked me recently what to do about his razor burn.  I wasn't sure what to do at the time, and that's really sad, because my husband gets it terribly bad.  

The best thing for my husband is to go a day or two without shaving.  That would be helpful in giving your skin a little break.  But then what happens when you shave the next time...razor burn! And then the next day, you shave your razor burn.  That's kinda like adding insult to injury.  So, after a little research and a few tests on my lab rat (I mean, husband), this is what I recommend for razor burn:
  1. Don't over-use your razor.  If it's old, throw it out. (If the colored strip is gone, or mostly gone, you know it's time to get a new one.)
  2. If you want to save money by using your razor longer, you can clean it with alcohol before you use it.  Just be sure that your razor is very clean.
  3. Never shave against the grain.  Shave in the direction that your hair grows.  This pulls on your skin and causes infections and in-grown hairs.
  4. Never use shaving creams with alcohol in them.  Instead use alcohol free, shaving lotions.  
  5. Use Aloe Vera as a lotion to help your skin stay healthy.  Aloe Vera is one of the best things you can use on your skin to heal it up and to keep it healthy!  However, if your skin isn't completely cleared up, it will sting quite a bit.  
  6. Take a day or two "off" of shaving.  God made our bodies to heal themselves.  Giving them a couple of days to do that without irritating it farther is good idea!

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