Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My Sincere Desire

My name is Angela Vance.  I am married to a pastor and we have 4 beautiful children {3 girls and 1 little man}.  We also have 2 special little ones in Heaven.  

God has been very good to us!  

Hidden Treasures was born out of my sincere desire to do something - anything - to help other mothers in the same situation I was in. 

You see, at one point I had 4 children that were 4 and younger.  I had a husband that was in the ministry and wasn't home - except to sleep.  Because we were in the ministry, we were living in a place where I had no family I could turn to for help with my little ones.  I did have a few people at church that helped a LOT.  More than they know probably.  

But most of my days were spent wondering if *I* would ever get *my* chance to serve the Lord.  I felt like I was left out of my husband's ministry.  I did nothing but clean and cook and change diapers.  I chased kids and rarely had adult conversations or went to activities that my husband was in charge of because I was like the old woman who lived in the shoe...=)  

But then one day, God smacked me up-side the head and said, "what exactly do you think you're doing?  Do you want someone else's ministry or the one I've given you?"   I realized that day that my children were my job.  They were worthy of my attention.  They were the reason I had been born.  Now, I look forward to each and every day wondering exactly what I might be able to share with them that will be a blessing to them as they enter their adult years.  

My children are still young.  The oldest will be 9 next week.  But our latest goal is to fine the 2 older girls a "home business" where they can learn to make a little money from home, tithe, save and spend money responsibly.  I figure there's no better time to learn things like this than now! {More details coming soon...}

The goal of my blog {as stated in my header} is to encourage other ladies to be the best wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, and friends that they can be.  There is sooo much to being a wife and a mother!  It's not an easy job, but it is SO worth it!  God promised that He'd never give us a job that it too much for us and He commanded us to exhort or encourage others along the way.  This blog is my feeble attempt to do just that! 

My "treasured topics" are:
  • Funny and/or encouraging stories for moms to enjoy and simply take a moment to re-group and relax
  • Natural, healthy living {Healthy foods, gardening and home preserving and a few natural remedies}
  • Children's topics like parties and a few fun ideas to keep them busy
  • Missionary Mom Mondays ~ These are posts that go up every Monday by Missionary Moms around the world so that we can see what life is like on the mission field, hear more creative ideas on how to raise our children, love our husbands or get fun exotic recipes to try!
  • Encouraging Bible verses and topics....
  • Small tips to help you save time and money
  • And others...basically this is a hodge-podge of mom stuff!

I hope you will join us here at Hidden Treasures!!  You can like us on Facebook and share some of you own creative ideas...or ask specific questions for other readers to comment on. Come on over!  We love company and we can't wait to meet you!!!  

If you're new to Hidden Treasures, we'd love to invite you to stay a little while and look around.  You can connect with us on Facebook or Twitter.  Or you can choose to have our post delivered directly to your E-mail or RSS feed.  Thank you so much for taking the time to read our posts!  

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  1. I've really enjoyed your blog Angela! I look forward to each new post and am always learning something new from you!


  2. What a great post and a beautiful blog. Stopping by from the blog hop and will be following you now. I have not checked out your posts about Missionary Moms, but I am one. Perhaps we can guest post for each other.

    Amy @ Missional Mama

  3. Thank you, Sarah!

    Amy, I look forward to "meeting" you and getting to know you! Will be fun!

  4. Can I just say "wow"! You had the same experience as me! I used to get so frustrated by my inability to help with ministries in the Church, or elsewhere, especially as our numbers are so small. I became convicted about my own little "mission field"! My wonderful family, that God gave me. I was particularly challenged by Sally Clarkson's book - "The mission of motherhood". I would LOVE to join in with your Mission mondays! I am sure I could share some things about like in the UK, that your readers may enjoy! :-) blessings! x

  5. Blog hopping today from Women Living Well! So nice to meet you! Love your Blog! Blessings to you and yours!

  6. Visiting from WLW hop. Love your site and am excited to look around and get to 'know' you better :) Have a wonderful evening!

  7. I enjoyed visiting! Loved looking around. We seemed to have a lot in common.

  8. Hello, Ladies! I'm so glad to "meet" you all. I will come visit you when I get the chance too! Have a great day!! ~ Angela

  9. Stopping by from the Blog Bash and am glad to "meet" you. :)

  10. Visiting from the blog bash! Nice to "meet" you!

    I enjoyed your blog and look forward to more.

  11. It's so nice to meet both of you! I will be sure to visit your blogs too, as soon as I get a chance!

  12. Hi, it's lovely to see your blog, and love your vision and the Spurgeon quote! I am subscribing to your posts so I can read more :)

  13. I'm glad you like it and I love that quote too! It's nice to meet you, Rhoda. I hope you'll share our site with your friends and come back often! ~ Angela

  14. I am excited to have found your blog and look forward to reading your Missionary Mom Mondays posts! I am a missionary mom in Russia and have a heart for encouraging moms in their ministry as mothers and ministry to the world around as well.

    I was actually stopping by to invite you to come visit Missionary Moms as we've been on a long break, but things are up and running again, but it looks like I've found a fun new place for myself to camp out and be encouraged too! =)

    Ashley in Russia

  15. It's so nice to meet you, Ashley! I checked out your blog and it looks amazing! Thanks for sharing it with me. I'll have to keep up with ya! ~Angela
