Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Burn It Down & Start Over

Have you ever wished you could just burn the house down and start over?  The mess, the dust, the dishes and all that lovely laundry....??

I have!  One day I was feeling especially behind on everything so I asked my husband why we couldn't just "burn it all down and start over"?? 

He looked at me like I was crazy.  {I get that allot!}  Then he reminded me that we lived in a parsonage and didn't actually own our home; therefore he didn't think I should burn it down.  {He's so responsible!}

The only other thing to do, beside run away from home, is figure out a different way.

Necessity is the mother of invention and I was a mother that needed to invent a way to cope.

Here are a few things I put into action that really helped me:
  1. Keep the kids with you.  They can't make a mess of everything you've just worked hard to accomplish if you have them all right there with you!  Hand them each a dust rag and let them help.  Let them fold the wash cloths and undies.  Let them sweep the floor while you wash the dishes.  Let the little guys wipe the table with a damp rag while you wash dishes.  Teach them how to match socks.   It will keep them occupied and out from under foot, plus they will have pride in thinking they were a great help and will wish to please you even more the next time. 
  2. Teach your children to make their own beds.  They can begin by helping you make their bed every morning , starting the first morning they sleep in their "big kid" bed, and before you know it, they will be doing it without any help.  One less thing for you to worry about!
  3. Train them to put their dirty clothes in the hamper as soon as they can walk.  It will be the 'norm' and save you time too!
  4. Train your children to put their toys away.  I figured if they were old enough to figure out how to get a toy out; they were also big enough to put it away.  Don't let them play with something else until the first thing has been put away.
  5. Teach them to clear their own plate, cup and silverware from the table when they are finished with it. Color coding the dishes will help you to know who cleaned up after themselves and who didn't, - plus it's fun for their kids
  6. Children should be trained to clean up their own spills.  Don't cry over spilled milk - Clean it up! Hand them a towel and let them try at least. 
  7. Let your older children write their own party invitations and Thank You notes!  It saves you time and gives them practice. 
  8. Give everyone a chore:  Walk the dog.  Take out the trash, clean the bathroom, sweep the floor, fold the laundry, dust, wash the dishes.  All jobs should be done completely and to the best of the doers' ability.  All are things children need to know before adulthood.  May as well start today!
  9. Let the older children help teach the younger ones how to do new jobs.  It's good for both.  Older kids love to teach younger kids and younger kids need to learn new things! 
  10. Teach kids that working together can be fun and be super creative in coming up with ways to help your children enjoy working hard.  
photo credit
It takes time and effort to train children to work, but in the end they will save you so much time and energy!  There's nothing more fun than working beside your kids.  My kids are a blast.  They even fight over who gets to help me in the house.  Not because they don't want to, but because they do!  Some days I really do think that my kids are the absolute best ever!!  Other days I know it! 
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    This post is linked with:

    Growing Home


    1. What wonderful, practical tips! I recently realized that labeling the toy bins helps the younger ones clean up. Glad to have found you through Titus 2sdays.

    2. I for sure have many times wanted to "burn it down and start over!" LOL! :)

    3. I'm there right now where I want to start over...not burn the house down...but start over. Thank you for the tips!
