Have you ever been the stranger in a new church?
It can be daunting when you don't know anyone, or what to expect; when you want to "fit in" but you're not sure you will/do. You don't anyone or where anything is. You don't know how things work there or what's expected of you.
It can be daunting when you don't know anyone, or what to expect; when you want to "fit in" but you're not sure you will/do. You don't anyone or where anything is. You don't know how things work there or what's expected of you.
Imagine yourself in that situation as a lost person:
You come to church looking for something that you can't seem to find anywhere else. You've tried everything you know to try and nothing has helped. Now you're trying out your last option....Church. You walk in. You are painfully aware that you don't look like everyone else. You are not dressed like everyone else...hair, makeup, clothing...you thought this would be the best way to dress, but maybe it's been too many years since you've been to church? Or imagine, you've never been to church before! How would you feel? Loved? Wanted?
Now, imagine everyone at that church was treating YOU the way YOU treat visitors! Would you feel welcomed? Would you want to stay?
Now, imagine everyone at that church was treating YOU the way YOU treat visitors! Would you feel welcomed? Would you want to stay?
Now, let's consider how we treat visitors:
Do you stare at them? Shield your kids and send them into the next room to shelter them from germs or influences of the "stranger"? Whisper when you think no one's looking? Do you walk away thinking about how strange they are and hoping they don't come back because they don't "fit the mold" and you don't want them to rub off on your children? Shame on us! God can use these people as much as He can use us! {Maybe more considering they probably realize their need for help and we seem to think we can handle it all on our own most of the time.}
Sometimes it's hard to be friendly with those we don't know. Certain personalities are better at this type of thing, but that doesn't excuse those of us that have a harder time. Friendly, loving Christians is how God has planned to reach the world - starting in our own communities!
What if someone turned around and left because they felt unwelcome? What if it was your {my} fault they felt that way?? It would be a tragedy! I wouldn't ever want to think that someone gave up on God because of me.
What if someone turned around and left because they felt unwelcome? What if it was your {my} fault they felt that way?? It would be a tragedy! I wouldn't ever want to think that someone gave up on God because of me.
Some things we can do to make strangers feel welcome {or loved} at our church:
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- Consider what you'd want people to do if it were you in their shoes...and do it!
- Ask God for a genuine love for people. Ask Him to love others through you. You will be so blessed through it!
- Smile, introduce yourself and your children {if they have children}, ask them about themselves and be interested - genuinely interested. People can tell if you're fake. Look them in the eye and don't worry about your friends. You'll have plenty of time for them later.
- Introduce them to others that will befriend them. {Your friends would be the best choice!}
- Show them around. Help them find the nursery, bathroom or children's classes if you have those at your church.
- Ask them to sit with you if they didn't come with someone else.
- Make sure they have a song book.
- Share your Bible.
- Invite them to stay after if you're having a dinner or something after church. Usually those invitations will be announced from the pulpit, but it's nice to be invited by a potential friend on an individual level too. It's much more intimate.
- Invite them to come to an activity later that week.
- Be "given to hospitality"! Invite them to dinner after church. I know people that have visitors to eat in their home every week and they've seen many souls saved because of it. Or, you could take them out to eat. If you can't afford to pay for their food, you could let them know where you are going and that you'd love to have them join you.
Together we can make a difference in our communities. People are looking for love. If we show them the most important love - the love of God - they may come back; better yet - they may get saved!
Have you ever seen a person who was into all kinds of wicked things completely changed by the grace of God?? It's amazing and you'll be blessed because of it. Your whole church will be blessed by it.
These people know people that you don't. They can reach people that you can't. When their friends and family see the difference that God makes in their lives; they will want it too! This is what needs to happen across our communities and our country.
And just think ~ It CAN happen if you and I will show a little love to a few "strangers".
Have you ever seen a person who was into all kinds of wicked things completely changed by the grace of God?? It's amazing and you'll be blessed because of it. Your whole church will be blessed by it.
These people know people that you don't. They can reach people that you can't. When their friends and family see the difference that God makes in their lives; they will want it too! This is what needs to happen across our communities and our country.
And just think ~ It CAN happen if you and I will show a little love to a few "strangers".
Jude 22 ~ And of some having compassion, making a difference!
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Excellent article! It's so important not to overlook the small ways we can minister! Sometimes we think we need to wait until we can do something big. But God can take the smallest of offerings and use them for the greatest good!
ReplyDeleteThank you!! And you're right! He only wants us to do what we can. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog! ~Angela