Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award!

Be sure to enter your name in this week's Sentsy giveaway!!


Special Thanks to Jill at Jill's Home Remedies for awarding Hidden Treasures with 
"The Versatile Blogger Award"

The rules for this award are as follows:
  1. Thank the award giver and link back to them in your post
  2. Share 7 random things about yourself
  3. Nominate 5 fellow bloggers for the award and let them know about it
 7 Random things about me:
  1. I know God has a since of humor!  When I was younger, I prayed for at least 5 children.  I wanted them in a specific order.  Boy, boy, girl, boy, girl...and after that I didn't care.  I have 4 children...girl, girl, boy, girl, which is exactly the opposite of what I always imagined!!
  2. I would LOVE to have a garden big enough to provide all of the veggies we'd need for the entire year so that I don't have to buy any at the grocery store - including things like spaghetti sauce,  salsa and apple sauce.  I'd also love to raise chickens and maybe bees...
  3. My girls and I have recently started a home business, Sugar and Spice.  We are now selling organic body scrubs, lip balms and bar soaps.  This is my attempt to help my girls learn to run a business, handle finances, and save money - all while staying home and taking care of our home!
  4. I am a 'lister'. I make lists of everything from prayer requests and answered prayers to things I want to do this month/week/day.  My husband claims that I have lists of my lists and he's probably right that I waste too many trees because I throw away papers with mistakes and start over completely.
  5. I believe in prayer!  I've seen God answer prayers from healing our daughter who was born very ill to providing $1,900.00 in one afternoon and so many more!!
  6. I love to read, but my kids like to eat.  They don't understand my willingness to read through breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Some times it's easier not to read than to read and have to put the book down!
  7. When I was in High School, I felt useless and incompetent.  I wasn't good at anything in particular.  I told God that I was willing to do whatever HE wanted me to do, and if I was only ever able to encourage one person a day, then I was willing to do that for HIM.  Since then, I've tried to do just that - encourage at least one person every day.  God has allowed me to go through things so that I can encourage others. ~ I know what it's like to be pregnant 6 times in 5 years, to deliver 4 babies in that same time.  ~ I know what it's like to be alone.  When my kids were all babies, I spent all day every day alone because my husband worked from 7:30 AM to 8:30 PM ~ and that was getting home early {about 3 nights a week he didn't come home until mid-night or later and he worked from 2:00 - 8:30 on his "day off"}. Thankfully THIS doesn't happen anymore!!  6 years was enough!  :)   ~ I know what it's like to live without family or close friends.  ~ I know what it's like to be stabbed in the back by a "friend" who once claimed she'd always be there for you. ~ I know what it's like to lose a baby to miscarriage.  ~ I know what it's like to not have enough money for food. ~ I know how it feels to think you might be losing a child to sickness.  ~ I know life is hard.  I also know God is good!  I know that HE will never leave us nor forsake us.  I know that HE will always provide the things we need.  These are the reasons I started this blog.   If I can encourage you in any way, I'd love to do just that!  We all have problems.  We all go through valleys, but God delivers from them all!  When we get to the end of this journey we call life, we'll be able to look back and see the ways that God stepped in and provided.  That is why we continue, because HE is enough.  He is the reason we go on.  If He's brought us this far, He can take us the rest of the way!!  He is a wonderful Saviour!!  These are the reasons I started this blog!!
  8. I also know I talk a lot!
Now, I'm supposed to nominate 5 bloggers for this award. 

The bloggers I've chosen are:
  1. Stephanie @ Pure Modesty
  2. Susie @ Our Simple Farm
  3. Kasey @ These 5 of Mine Plus 2
  4. Rachel @ Day2day Joys
  5. Maria @ Raising 4 Princesses
 These are all blogs that I love!  You really should check out these sites and get to know these lovely ladies!  Each of them have encouraged and inspired me to do right, have fun or keep going! 

If you're new to Hidden Treasures, we'd love to invite you to connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.  Or you can choose to have our post delivered directly to your E-mail or RSS feed.  Thank you so much for taking the time to read our posts!  

    1 comment:

    1. Fun to learn a little more about you! And thank you so much for honoring me with this award!
