Thursday, February 16, 2012

Saving Honey's Money

I don't know about your 'Honey', by my Honey is not made of money!  And since I don't have a "real job" - you know, the kind that let's you rest in the evenings and on the weekends - I figure I can and should do something to help with my family's money situation. 

Here are a few ideas and tricks to help you SAVE Honey's money AND stay home...
  • Grow your food - think of the money you could save!!!
  • Make your laundry detergent {costs a penny a load!}.
  • Cut out - or at least back - on the manicures, gormet coffees, and other unnecessary things.
  • Find a friend that cuts hair and ask her if you can babysit in exchange for a hair cut.
  • Find a friend that has a work out system and ask her if you can clean her house in exchange for a couple of free work outs a week.
  • You won't have to pay for child care if you're home watching your children.
  • You won't have to pay for an extra car or gas if you're staying home and not driving to work everyday.
  • You won't spend as much on fast food or eating out if you're not out during the day and your honey {and his money/bank account} will be thrilled to come home to a hot, home-cooked meal every night!
  • Use your leftovers.  Don't throw them out.  Left over veggies from Monday make a great veggie soup on Tuesday!  
These are a few of my favorite ways to save money, but I'm constantly looking for new ways!  If you have any fun and/or creative ways to save money, I'd love to hear them!  Leave them in the comments below, or on my facebook page.  We're going to start a new series called "Money Saving Monday" and your idea could be used! 

Together, we can - and will - come up with creative ways to save money!

If you're new to Hidden Treasures, we'd love to invite you to connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.  Or you can choose to have our post delivered directly to your E-mail or RSS feed.  Thank you so much for taking the time to read our posts!  


  1. Using leftovers is one I really struggle with. Having all these boys that eat like every meal might be their last, the amount of leftovers is pretty small. Many times they end up sitting in the fridge, never making their way back to the table. Looking forward to a series dedicated to saving money!!

  2. Hahaha! I'm looking forward to it, too, Kasey! I'm hoping to learn just as much as you are!! I love a challenge! I do have several ways that I save money, but I'm hoping to come up with a few more because of this post. If you have any ideas let me know!
