Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Equipping My Little Homemakers

I have 4 children.  3 of them are girls. To teach them to be homemakers AND give them a mind for business, I've decided to start a small home business so that they can learn how to work, manage {and save} money, run a business and care for their homes at the same time.  

It's amazing how God has blessed and provided so far!  He has provided labels, pictures, a site and even a lovely friend of mine who donated money to help us get going!  I didn't do any of it.  God just dropped it in my lap! 

My girls are excited to be making their own product.  They have their very own business cards coming in the mail any day now, and they are on their way to making and saving their own money!  Pretty good, considering they are only 9, 7 and 4!  Although the 4 year old just kinda "tags along" for now.  :)

The girls named their business, "Sugar & Spice"!  You can see more here and you can follow us on Facebook.  My oldest likes butterflies, the second likes frogs and the youngest likes ladybugs, which is how we got our label!  :)

{We're still working on this site, so please be patient with us!!}

We sell homemade lip balms and glosses, body scrubs and bath soaps.  We have been known to sell a hair bow or too as well, and we have plenty of other ideas in mind!   Our products are all natural and mostly organic.  The only thing not organic is the sugar and coffee we use in the scrubs...and one day that may be too...

Right now you can go to Slowly Natural where Erika is currently hosting a Free Giveaway for us!! 

I sincerely hope and pray that my girls will learn to work hard and save their money.  I pray that this experience will go with them their whole lives and help them to realize that staying home is the most important thing they can do as wives and mothers and that they can still earn a bit of spending money or even grocery money if that's what's necessary to help the family.  

I'd love to hear any comments or suggestions you might have to help us make our business better!  As I said we are still working on this site.  I had it finished up and ready to go, but then I messed it up...the whole body scrub page is kinda messy right now....  We have plenty of other ideas in mind.  We are currently working on our own line of blemish control facial cleansers and we have ideas for lotions and body butters too...

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  1. It's such an inspiration to see!!! Of course you know that I think the products are fabulous, but it's made me think of ways to teach my daughters how to earn money, too!

  2. I'm so glad, Erika! I always wanted to make a bit of my own money, but was never quite sure, 10 years later, I think I may be "on to something". I hope. :) So, I decided to share it with the next generation and maybe they won't waste 10 years! :P Not that it was a complete know what I mean. :)

  3. So neat! I'm hoping to begin making my own skin care products, and this has inspired me to start even sooner!

  4. What a wonderful discipleship tool for you with your girls! God blesses our hearts and equips us to do what we long for when it comes to discipling, doesn't He!

    Thanks for sharing this very encouraging and informative post on Loving Our Children today!! I know others will be blessed!

  5. What a great teaching tool! Good luck on your business, as someone that's a stay at home mom too, I know it must be nice to be able to do something that makes money and allows you not to have to leave to do it. Good Luck!

  6. Such a great idea! What a learning tool for your girls and a way to see a biblical idea put into action. I'm heading off to check it out now!

  7. Thank you for all of the sweet comments! Do let me know your ideas on training children to work and make money!! I'd love to hear.
