Saturday, January 17, 2015

Pivotal Moments

I LOVE being a pastor's wife!  The biggest, best part of my ministry is leading and helping in the Lady's Inside-Outreach Ministry.  We want our church to be known as the church that cares about people.

Any people.  All people.

In order to do that, it just makes since to reach people at those "pivotal" moments in life.

Pivotal moments are those life changing moments when you know life will never be the same again.  The death of a family member, the birth of a baby, a new marriage, or even re-locating are all "pivotal" in one way or another.  These are times when changes take place and decisions are made.  Sometimes people decide to "try out" church during these times.  And, if by chance, someone is considering church as an option, our church will be there with our hands out waiting to help!

The idea:
Different groups of ladies will be responsible to reach out to people at each "pivotal moment".  Each group will have a "team leader" and several other ladies under her, that will be able to help fulfill the responsibilities of that group. 

New Babies:  For instance, we are working on getting a group of ladies together that will be responsible for reaching all the families that have babies in our county. We will reach these families by providing baby hats and/or blankets made by the ladies in our church.  (And other creative ideas too!)  These blankets and hats will be taken to the nurse's station and dropped off to be given to these babies along with letters of invitation to our church.

New Move-Ins: For families that are moving to (or within) our community, we will be dropping off baskets of practical things you need when you're moving to a new home including local information (police department, fire department...) that might make life a little easier for them...and of coarse, an invitation to our church (and don't forget information about our bus ministry in case they should want to send their children).

Recent Deaths:  For those families in our community that are facing the death of a loved one, we will will be sending cards with our condolences, invitations to our church and Bible verses that will let them know they are not alone, and Heaven can be theirs! 

Weddings or New Marriages:  For newly married brides, well, we're still working on this one.  We have all kinds of ideas, but have yet to settle on any one thing.  (If any of my church ladies happen to be reading this, we still need a team leader for this group...hint...hint...)

The idea is simple.  Using a bit of time, creativity and the love of Christ, we reach out to those ladies in our community that need to know someone cares!

It's easy...because all of the jobs are broken down and everyone gets to decide in which group(s) she'd like to be involved.

It's fun...because we're all working together.  We get together for a "game night" or a "lady's night out" and we put a few baskets together while we're there!

It's low stress...because you only have to do the one thing you signed up for (make baby blankets, deliveries, send cards, bake cookies, knit scarves for shut ins).  What are you good at?  What do you enjoy?  We want you to use that God-given talent or interest to reach others!  Also, no one person is working alone!  You have a group of ladies that are working toward the same goal. 

It's inside-out...because our shut-ins can make hats and/or blankets for new born babies. They can send cards, pray, and even (in some cases) bake cookies!  They can teach our younger girls to knit and crochet.  Not only are they involved in ministry, but they are encouraged when someone stops by their house and visits with them for a while before taking the hats and blankets they've made to the local hospital.  We are hoping to use and encourage every lady inside our church while reaching out to all the ladies in our community! 

Photo Credit


  1. This is beautiful!! What a wonderful idea!!
    Thank you for sharing. I have pinned this so that I can return to it and also share it with other women in my church.
    It also encourages me to hear your love for being a pastors wife and for the ministry. I am also a pastors wife (he has been a youth pastor for 2.5 years and has just changed roles to associate pastor) and I love reading the writings of other pastors wives.
    Thank you!

  2. Nice article as well as whole site.Thanks for sharing.
