Monday, June 27, 2011

It' Can't Be Done....

Or can it??

Everywhere we go, I have people walk up to me and tell me how well behaved my children are.  They are always amazed and make comments such as, "how did you do it?",   "I need to take lessons from you",  "My Grandkids sure aren't like that",  and "I can't even control the one I have; I don't know how you do it with all of those children!"  (umm, I only have 4..?)

2 of my crazy peeps!

I've been thinking about this, and I must admit, I didn't realize that my children were that good!  I have to get on them several times a day.  Some days are worse than others.  I do love to spend time with them, which is "weird" and "not normal" (I was informed of this by a mother I don't even know).  Apparently she just tries to get away from her children.  (??) 

And then, we went to eat at a restaurant the other day, and I thought my husband was going to go off on a couple of kids at the table behind him.  That's when hit us: this must be what everyone is talking about.  Apparently we don't know how good we've got it!  

Which got me to thinking.  Why do my children behave so well?  My husband tells everyone that it's because of me and my hard work.  While I appreciate this compliment, I really don't think I've done that much.  I guess, a better way of saying it is;  I flat out don't know how I did it!!

And then God, in His gentle way, rebuked my heart and reminded me that **I** didn't do it.  He did!  
  1. He gave me a husband that wants me to stay home and train my children.
  2. HE provided me with some wonderful books on the topic of child training. 
  3. HE is the one that answers all of my prayers when I don't know what else to do.  

You see, my oldest child is only 8, and I've really not had too many terrible issues to deal with yet when it comes to child training.  But, I've had moments when I didn't know what to do about whining.  I've had moments when I didn't know what to do about a certain little girl's temper and there have been other "issues" that only a mother can pick up on.  A father or a friend would probably not ever see it, but a mom can pick up on it and know that in time, that "root" will become a HUGE tree with roots that are so deep they can't be plucked up.  

At times like that, when I didn't know what to do...I prayed.  Sometimes I spend whole days praying for one child and the one particular thing that I saw as a potential problem.  Other times I spent the day praying for all of the kids.  Have I prayed enough?  NO!  I'm feeling convicted as I type.  I should pray more.  I should pray much more.  I want to do better.  Much better.  But, God always answers prayers.  Sometimes He lead me to a person that recommended a certain thing, sometimes I found it a book, and sometimes He let me know that it really wasn't something to be so concerned about.  But He always answers prayers.

The point is this:  It can be done!  It can be done if GOD does it. So, instead of saying "thank you" when someone compliments my children, I should say, "praise the Lord"!  Because HE is the One that deserves all of the praise!


  1. AMEN! we have had similar comments- even from fellow church members and i think, it doesnt just happen people! It is hard work and much prayer and ultimately, God does it. and i {TRY} to use it as a witness when compliments come from strangers--- only with God's help could any children be good {let alone MY kids-lol}.

  2. Our good friends have four kids, and they are all amazing! You would have a blast with them. =D What's better? I don't have children yet, and I enjoy being with them--all four! They are completely respectful and know how to behave in front of other children or adults. As a friend, it's such a comfortable environment to be in with well-behaved children.

  3. I do love to be around good, obedient, respectful children! I love both of your comments!

  4. really helped me! Three strangers told me that if they had known a child could be as pleasant and fun as mine, they would have had one. What they've missed out on! I so agree that it is God Himself who directs us to find the resources we need to help us raise well-behaved children. Love the post!

  5. I agree. Children are what their parents make them. I'll have to check out that site. Thanks! And thanks for the compliment too. =)
