Tuesday, August 16, 2011

When Following Takes Faith (and a box of tissues)

First day of school!

Should I be excited?  I'm not.  I'm sad.  You see, we home schooled last year and I loved it!  I wanted to do it again.  My husband loves the Christian school.  There are good (and bad) things about both. 

My children were given to me by God.  He expects me to care for them and to teach them.  He expects me to raise them up in the nurture of the Lord.  He also expects me to obey and submit to my husband.  That's really hard sometimes.  (Like now.)  But, I can be an example of obedience with a good attitude to my children. 

Now is when following my husband (who is following God) takes faith!  Faith and a box of tissues...I miss them when they're not home. 

I worry too much.  At least that's what my husband says.  They are all alone in a new school that is way bigger than any they've ever been in.  I worry because they don't know anyone yet.  And what if they get to know the wrong people?  I worry that the lunch I sent won't be enough.  What if they're still hungry when it's gone?  Or I worry that they'll eat some kind of sugary thing from someone else's lunch.  Or worse, what if they completely trade their healthy lunches for a friend's un-healthy lunch?  What if they don't understand something in their lesson?  What if they get made fun of?  (Well, I guess that's life and I can't always be there to fight their battles for them...)  But what if they get hurt on the play ground?  What if they get sick and need me and I'm not there?  What if ...?  The list is endless.

Worrying is not trusting God.  It all goes back to having faith.  Faith that God will care for my children while they are away.  Faith that God will bless us and provide for us while we are doing His will.

Yes, Faith is what I need right now...Faith and that box of tissues...!!!


  1. Cute pics! Where are the girls going to school at?

  2. Thank you! Faith Baptist Christian School in Pekin. It's like HUGE compared to what we are used to! But they are loving it.

  3. I can't imagine how sad that would be.
    Aww... praying for you as you follow the Lord!
