Friday, September 30, 2011

Goin' to Pot

OK, so I had a few issues deciding what to give as a gift at a resent baby shower, so, of course, I do what I do - I blogged about it.  Which got the creative juices flowing.  {I should have blogged FIRST!}  And I came up with this idea that's so completely gone to pot!

These are just ideas for baby shower gifts.  If you were to get all of the things on this list you would spend way too much, but you could pick and choose 2 or 3...

  1. Potty Chair - or a toddler seat that sets on the big potty so Jr. doesn't fall in ~ no one thinks to get those for baby showers!
  2. Pull ups
  3. A package of big boy/girl undies 
  4. A book for Mom about potty training
  5. A book for Jr. about potty training
  6. And for mom ~ a pot of soup or she won't have to worry about dinner one night after baby is born.
It doesn't matter.  As long as you're creative in the way you "go to pot"!

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