Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Gottcha' Covered Baby!

I recently attended a baby shower.  And like I always do, I found myself shopping for a gift at the last moment.  I really wanted to get something practical and yet, I love to go with a theme.  So, I went shopping and came home with this:

  1. My girls helped me make 2 boxes of baby wipes.  You can find the directions here.  And I made 2 because I always had 2.  {I kept one in the baby's room by the changing table and another in a drawer of the coffee table with diapers and diaper cream so I could change diapers during the day without taking too much time.}  
  2. I also included the ingredients used in making the wipes and a "recipe" for them.
  3. Boudeaux's All Natural Butt Paste is absolutely the BEST diaper rash cream I've ever used! 
  4. Diapers size 3 because I always wished for a break in the diaper buying process when I reached the bigger sizes!  I mean, seriously, we should be having diaper showers when the baby is about 4 months old!
  5. Chocolate for Mom - got Mom "covered" too!
  6. And then, Kelly Ball posted on my face book status that a homemade receiving blanket would be a great thing, and it would have gone with my "gotcha covered" theme perfectly, but alas, the only 2 I already had made were pink and purple.  {Somehow, I think Little Steven's Daddy wouldn't like him making the rounds in a pink and purple blanket....}
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