Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Worse than Laundry?? Is that Possible??

I'm here to tell you there are a few things that are worse than doing laundry!  This post will tell you what they are (in my opinion) and how I came to discover them....

If you LOVE laundry, {and I've met a few - very few - that do} or you've never experienced morning sickness you may not completely appreciate this post.

Laundry has never been my "thing".  I'd rather scrub toilets and floors or pull weeds and wash dishes than do laundry.  I used to insist that if everyone went naked just one day each week, I might be able to catch up.  But, for some reason no one ever liked that idea...???   

Honestly, I had a harder time with it when I first married than I do now, even with 4 additional children.  Maybe the 10 years of practice {mixed with all my prayers for a better attitude} helped me out. Or it could just be the simple fact that I'm not pregnant and I can actually get a few things done without running to the bathroom every half hour.  Whatever the reason, I'm happy to report that I don't seem to get as behind as I used to.  

Still behind.  Just not AS behind.  

When we first married, my husband tried to insist that laundry couldn't be all that bad.  After all, he was raised by a grandmother that absolutely loves to do laundry.  In her own words she finds laundry "relaxing". Really??  Seriously??  

I think he must have assumed that I would just looove laundry because his mamaw did.  When I didn't, he insisted that I should think of some things that were worse than doing laundry and then be thankful that I "get" to do laundry.  {At that time I was pregnant and teaching in our Christian school.  When I wasn't teaching I was throwing up.  Sometimes I was multitasking...if you catch my drift.  My poor students.  That was a rough year for everyone involved.} 

But I did what he said.  I sat down and wrote a whole list of things that would be worse than doing laundry. 

Here's the list I came up with back then:
  1. Throwing up
  2. Throwing up while folding laundry
Let's just say, my life has changed quite a bit since then.  I don't work outside the house since having children.  I'm not pregnant.  And I have 4 kids that add to the mounting piles of laundry, but they also help with it.  So, 10 years and 4 kids later, I've come up with a new list of 10 things that are definitely worse than doing laundry!  

The new list:
  1. Getting locked out of the house during a thunder storm (or blizzard)
  2. Running out of gas in the middle of New Mexico - a fear that still haunts me from my child hood {It never actually happened.  I was just afraid that it would happen.}
  3. Falling of a boat and being eaten by a shark  - wouldn't want to do that
  4. Being trampled by a herd of wild elephants on an African safari - not my idea of fun
  5. Being chased by an angry mob of pirates who think we have their gold - my son helped with that one - he's pretty good! 
  6. OK, so I couldn't come up with ten things, but five is pretty good isn't it? 
So!  Now you know all the things I'm thankful NOT to be doing while I'm folding laundry.  Maybe I'll share a few of my lovely laundry tips with you in my next post. 

Now that you know what to be thankful for, I can share some ways to improve your overall laundry doing experience.  {I really don't mind it as much now as I used to!}

Happy Laundry Day!  =D

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  1. Your list of things that are worse than doing laundry made me howl! I pretty much feel the same way about ironing. ;-)

  2. Well, I'm glad to make you laugh! I hope you will come back and visit. =)
