Monday, December 5, 2011

"Treasured Traditions" Christmas Party


We're SO glad you've come to join in the fun!!  If you have a blog, we hope you will link up under as many of the categories as you can, tell all of your friends and read as many of the post as you have time for.

If you don't have a blog we'd love to invite you to read as many of the posts as you can, share this page with your friends and come back often throughout the week as we will be hosting giveaways.
After all, we can't have a Christmas party without gifts!

Click here for information on how you can have THE Christmas Gift of Salvation! 

Check out our FREE Giveaways!!

 Our Party Button: 

Rules for Bloggers:
  1. Sign up under as many of the categories as you can and as many times as you like!  Older post or new ones - either way is fine with us!  We just want to know all of your Treasured Holiday Traditions!
  2. We ask that you share this page with your friends and include the "Treasured Traditions" button in your post{copy and paste the button above} and link it back here to this Blog Party so that others can join in the fun.
  3. Please, be sure you link up the url to your post and not to your blog's home page.
  4. Be festive because festive is fun!  
  5. Have a Merry CHRISTmas!!  
Let the Party Begin!!!!

Your Favorite Recipes: food, cookies, candy, anything you love to eat around the Holidays

Your Favorite Games and Activities:

Decorations: any and all decorating tips, ideas and homemade craft ideas will be appreciated!

Gifts: any and all tips on how (or why) you determine what to get, ways you save money buying your gifts, or fun ways to give or make homemade gifts, etc...

"Treasured Traditions": share anything you do every year that you and your family look forward to and maybe the story behind the tradition and how it got started.


  1. Hi Angela, Thanks for hosting the Christmas party! I can't seem to get the button to work though :( Is there a code we can cop and paste? Blogger seems to be malfunctioning and I can't link the button to your site, so I've just used text for the time being.

  2. Thank you for linking up! It's my first blog party, so I've been wondering how many would participate. =D I'm so glad you did!

    I just copy the button to my desktop and load it to my post and then link it over. I don't have a code, but I can probably make one....will have to be later tonight tho.

    I have "issues" when it comes to computers anyway. Don't ask me why I took up blogging!! lol

  3. I tried linking from my post to their Christmas blog hop. Couldn't do it. Don't know what I did wrong. I was able to put your button on the post and on my sidebar.

  4. Not sure why you couldn't link up?? Maybe you can try again and see what happens?? I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

  5. Thanks for hosting such a great Christmas idea blog hop. I love hopping and getting new ideas. There are so many crafty folks out there willing to share.

  6. I can’t wait to read all the treasured holiday traditions.
