Thursday, January 26, 2012

Morning Bliss {Coffee Scrub}

This is my favorite scrub so far!  It's made of coffee and a few other completely natural ingredients.  I don't drink coffee, but I sure do like to smell it!  Reminds me of my Grandma's house in the morning!  Smells soo good!

We've heard for years how bad coffee is for us, but did you know it's actually a very healthy thing when applied topically??

Although caffeine may be considered bad by some, applied topically it's actually very good for your skin.  Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor .  Which is a fancy way of saying it causes your blood vessels to constrict.  This constricting temporarily reduces varicose veins and rosacea.    Some studies have proved that it also helps to reduce post work-out muscle pain and spasms. 

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Caffeine also helps to dehydrate fat cells {cellulite} temporarily and make your skin smoother.  It has been used in facial and eye creams for years because of it's ability to reduce swelling and dark spots.  A study done by Rutgers University reports that recent testing has proved that caffeine, when applied straight to the skin may protect against sun damage and in the long run skin cancer. 

Coffee is an antioxidant.  It helps tighten the skin, which in turn makes you look younger.

If you're a recovering coffee addict, this may be just the thing for you!  You can get your coffee fix in the shower where it's good for you rather than drinking it.  I love to use this on my feet and legs to remove flaky dry skin and moisturize. It works great anywhere - even on your face.

{But do be careful not to get it in your eyes!}

We are not doctors or herbalists.  This product is not made to cure or prevent any diseases.  

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