Friday, February 3, 2012

And I {finally} Knew He Was the One....!!

This is the story of how I met my husband.  This version was told by me, read by my husband and given the "go ahead".  But, seriously, you should hear his version of it too.  So funny how ladies and men look at things so differently!

Here's my story....
My husband and I were in totally different groups in Bible College. He was just different than I was.  His clothes were flashy.  The first time I ever saw him he was wearing a white suit, a bright blue shirt with a white collar and cuffs and a gold tie.  That was shocking to me!  My dad only ever wore dark suits with "normal" ties. 

Then, it happened.  I got a job.  I loved that job!  $7.00 an hour to teach in an after school care program.  All I had to do was decorate my room, write lesson plans and keep the children busy from 2 to 6 every day.  I loved that job!  The only problem with the job was my co-teacher.  Can you guess who my co-teacher was???   
You can read the rest of the story over at "Beautiful Mommy Feet"!

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  1. I went over and read your story! It cracked me up!! It seems first impressions are so often wrong!

  2. Shalom,

    I've read your story, it was a fun read. I noticed that you have 4 children. From the picture, it looks like 3g,1b. We (my wife & 1) have 4 children as well (3g,1b);in that order.

    Thanks for sharing your story; enjoyed reading it.

  3. Thanks for the comments, Guys! I never thought my story was grand or spectacular. Certainly not the knight in shinning amour story I'd always imagined, but then I guess that's not real life, is it?? ;)

    You should hear my husband's version. He likes to tell people that I chased HIM around the campus!! lol At least now the true story is told! :D
