Saturday, February 4, 2012

What Was I Thinking??

I've been wanting to do a series on Miscarriage since last November.  The idea was to encourage those who have been through it.

I've asked a few blogger friends to help by sharing their stories with us because everyone deals with loss differently.   It is my hope and prayer that something that is said this week will be a blessing and a help to you {or someone you may know that is going through a miscarriage}.

I'm starting to wonder what I was thinking though!  I cried though writing the post about my own miscarriage.  I cried through editing all the guest posts.  I was starting to feel like maybe this was the wrong thing to do.  Maybe I was just making everyone think about it even more than necessary.  Maybe it wasn't such a good idea.

But then I realized something.

Jeremiah 1:5 ~ Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee

God knew my baby before I knew she existed.  God knew all about her.  I never got to see her eyes or her smile.  I never got to hear her call me "mama" or her laugh.  But God knew all.  He knew her eye color and what her personality would have been is like.  He knew everything about her because He made her just the way He wanted her.

There was a reason that all of these babies existed {and still do!}.  God makes us all for a reason.  We all have a purpose.  THAT is why I'm going to continue with this series. 

It is my desire to remember my child and yours.  But may we never forget the grace of God that carried each of us through!  The one thing each of these stories have in common is that God, in one way or another, was there holding us.  Protecting us.  Loving us.

It's through times like this that the grace and love of God will make us stronger and more beautiful Christians.  If we allow Him, He will make us into the Treasures He created us to be - Treasures that are Hidden with Christ in God!!
That being said, I'd love to invite you to share our page and this post with anyone you think may benefit from it!  I and several of my friends will be sharing our stories of how God's grace carried us through some of our blackest days.   

 ** Please click here. to read this series, God's Grace Through Miscarriage**

 If you're going through a miscarriage and/or  you don't know the grace of God, you can!  It's free for everyone!  You can go here to read more about becoming a child of God.  Then you too, can rest knowing that your Heavenly Father will take care of you {and your children} too!  If you'd rather, you can email me instead!  I'll do anything I can to help you out!
If you're new to Hidden Treasures, we'd love to invite you to connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.  Or you can choose to have our post delivered directly to your E-mail or RSS feed.  Thank you so much for taking the time to read our posts!  


  1. Having lived through this experience myself, I'm going to really look forward to this series!

  2. This is beautiful and yes, one of the rich comforts through the pain for me was the feeling of awe at the consideration that God had used me as a vessel to create a child that was for His glory alone! He created these children to go straight to Him. The consideration of that can leave you breathless.

    But, with having four miscarriages myself I know the pain and ache that still is there and only He can heal it. May this series bless many!

  3. I want to thank you for your boldness and willingness to share the most precious parts of your heart! I will pray that God will give you the strength and the right words to say. And I KNOW He is going to use you to bless and encourage many moms along the way. Press on dear friend and lean on the Lord when those tears flow...claim his promises and share them! *hugs*

  4. Thank you for all of the sweet comments, Ladies!! I do appreciate them and hope you will be praying for us as we venture into this new series!

  5. Yup, I just teared up reading this. But tears aren't bad! Feeling loss isn't bad. It reminds us of God's love, are ability to feel SO much for something so small and that many have been intangible.

  6. It is a subject that needs to be gently approached - I think you are doing the right thing! Thank you for the courage to talk openly and honestly about that heart-breaking and then re-healing path that so many of us have been on. (3 times)
