Tuesday, February 28, 2012

But for God's Grace!!

It was late.  I had made one of those mid-night trips to Wall-Mart for who knows what.  On my way out of the store I was greeted by a blast of cold air.  Pulling my winter coat around tighter around me, and fumbling for my keys in my pocket, I nearly bumped into someone.  I glanced up just about jumped out of my shoes!  

The girl I had nearly run in to was just a couple years younger than I am and would have been very pretty, I think.  If it weren't for all of the metal in her face, I may have been able to tell for sure.  She glared at me as if to ask what I thought I was looking at.  I'm afraid that was quite obvious!  I tried to recover quickly and respond to her the same as I would anyone else.  The last thing I want to do is offend someone!  I got out of there as quickly as I could.

I couldn't stop thinking about her.  To be honest, the sight of her alone had scared me so bad that my heart was still thumping as I got in my van.  I wondered why she would wear all of those big, cold...things...right up against her skin - and in this cold?  {I'm not talking a few earrings and a nose ring here!  She was covered!}  

Then I began to wonder about her - the real her - and not just her appearance. 

Who was she?  Was she simply searching for love and acceptance?  I wondered how a conversation with her would go.  What would she talk about?  Would she even want to talk to me?

I realized too late that I should have given her a Gospel tract.  Would she have taken it?  Read it?  Would she have been saved? 

Everyone wants someone to love them for them - for who they are.  They want someone to care about them and genuinely cherish them.  I know.  I've been there.  But for God's grace I'd be the girl with all the gadgets in my face.  I'd be the girl with all the tattoos. 

So, then, I started wondering who would have stopped me and invited me to their church?  What if my daughter decided to go and make a few really crazy decisions??  Would someone try to reach out to her?   I sure hope so!

By the time I got home I was ready and willing to go right back and try to find that girl!  I wanted to give her a tract and invite her to come to church.  If it hadn't been so late and cold, and how on earth was I going to find a stranger in a Wall Mart at one in the morning??  She was probably not ever there anymore! 
I do hope that the next time I see someone like that I react the way Jesus would have.  I pray that I can make a difference in the lives of others.  I pray that the girl I'm talking about comes to know Jesus as her Saviour!  I'd love to see her in Heaven some day!! 

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