Friday, August 5, 2011

Coming Soon: Missionary Mom Monday

 We, here at Hidden Treasures, would like to invite you to join us every Monday for "Missionary Mom Monday".    Every Monday, we will be having a "Missionary Mom" in a different country guest post for us.  Some of them have blogs that we can visit and follow.  Others don't have blogs, but they will be keeping us updated now and again.  

I thought it would be so neat to know what it's like 'behind the scenes' in a missionary home.  So far, most of the missionaries that I've been able to contact are friends of mine that I went to  Crown College with.

I love the fact that their children are the same ages as my own, and I've asked them to include some fun facts, pictures, and other information that would be fun and exciting for our children.  What better way to open our children's eyes and hearts to the mission field around them??  

I've already told my children of my idea and they were excited to "meet" other children their ages who are missionaries.  I hope this is something you and your children are interested in as well, and I hope you will stop by and see us every Monday! 

You won't want to miss it!  It will be so fun and so exciting to see how different people live, believe, speak and eat.  We can learn about people and their ministries, help them pray and then get updates.  I'm really excited about this and I hope that you are too!
I can't wait to see you here on Monday, for "Missionary Mom Monday"!

Also ~ check out the new button my husband made me for our Missionary Mom Monday!  Is it not the coolest??  

If you'd like to read our very first Missionary Mom Monday's up now!!  Just click here!

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1 comment:

  1. Love your idea! My husband and I are currently in the application process of joining a mission. This is a great idea, that I'm looking forward to. :)
