Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Temerature Wars - Lifting HIM Up.

Last week I started a new series I'm calling "Temperature Wars".

Remember, Mother, YOU are the thermostat of your home.  Your mood determines the mood of your family.  Your attitude determines the attitude of your family.  

This week, it's all about Lifting HIM Up!  I figured that would be the most important thing we can ever do as mothers.  I can't think of a better way to warm up our homes and make them a happy, comfortable place to raise children to be what God created them to be. 

One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts.  I will speak of the glorious honor of they majesty, and of thy wondrous works....I will declare thy greatness.  They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness and shall sing of thy righteousness.  Psalm 145:4-7

Our primary job as Christian mothers is to tell our children of the greatness of our God.  They need to know the things that He has done in the past.  The things that He did for His people in the Bible and the things that He has done for us too.  (Like the time He paid my school bill, or the time he healed our baby...there are so many stories to tell.) 

Jesus said, And I, if I be lifted up from the earth,  will draw all men unto me.  John 12:32

Why Lift HIM Up??
  • Our homes will be warmer (happier) and things will run more smoothly.  When we put God first and lift Him up days run more smoothly and children seem to obey faster (which saves so much time and makes life so much easier!).  When we put God first He ensures that other things just kinda fall into place.
  • Our children will be saved - the ultimate goal of every mother that loves God and her children.
  • Our husbands will be saved - for those of us that have unbelieving husbands.  Claim the verse that says, ...they may also without the word be won by the conversation of the wives. ~ I Peter 3:1  Claim that verse in your prayer closet and wait in faith for God to answer it.  God is on your side in this matter!!
  • Our friends, family and close neighbors will be saved or inspired to do right and live for the Lord, which increases the number of people who will be influenced for God and right.
    ***Please, see my clarification at the bottom of this post
How to lift Him up??
  • Praise the Lord on a regular basis.  Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, rejoice.  Philippians 4:4    Written from a Roman jail, where the conditions didn't lend themselves toward rejoicing, yet Paul reminded us to rejoice.  We feel better and the atmosphere around our homes is improved when we rejoice in the Lord.
  • Break out the CD player and let it minister to you.  You would be shocked at how quickly bad moods are improved!  I'm talking my own here...Good, edifying music is a great way to make your home a happier place. 
  • Tell your children of the wonderful things that God did for His people in the Bible.
  • Tell your children of the miraculous ways that God has provided for you in the past and remind them that HE can (and will!) do the same for them when the time comes.  
  • Play Bible verses songs at night.  I have several Bible verse CDs that I play for the kids to listen to at night.  They memorize Scripture without trying.  It's getting into their minds and they have fun listening to it.
  • Talk about how thankful you are for the small every day things that God has provided.  
  • Pray with your children and let them see first hand how God provides. 
Our homes will be happier when God is the center of the family - the goal.  CHRIST is the goal.  All of the other things are simply byproducts of our trying to be more like Him.

It's so much easier to enjoy life when we only worry about pleasing God and not others around us!!  Let's enjoy our lives and our children and simply lift HIM up together!  I think the temperature on the thermostat will go up when this happens.

Let me clarify:   It was brought to my attention (in the comments below) that it may have sounded a bit like I was only wanting to lift Him up for my own benefit, or that of my family. (Unless that benefit is their salvation - in which case I'm all for it!)   **We lift Him up by telling our children of the great things He has done for us and others in the past.  We don't lift Him up in greed or in expectation of receiving gain.  I don't believe that we should use Him to get our own selfish desires or for monetary benefits, however the highlighted list above are things that we are to pray for.  It is our responsibility to make our homes happy and that will fall into place when we put God above all else.  It is God's desire that our children, husbands, friends, family and neighbors come to know Him as their Saviour.  Jesus promised that He would draw all men unto Himself if we lifted Him up in John 12:32.  All we need do is live for Him and He will do the drawing.   I'm sorry if I offended anyone.  I hope this helps.

Do any of you have any other ideas or ways that we can lift Him up in our homes?  I'd love to hear some of your ways??


  1. I've been reading your posts for only a short time. Most of it I totally agree with. However, I don't think we should lift HIM up to GET the things that you mentioned, those are byproducts of lifting HIM up, but not the reason. We lift HIM up BECAUSE of what HE ALREADY DID.

  2. I totally agree with you! I didn't mean for it to sound like we are using Him to get our own way. I will go check out my post and edit a few things. Thank you and I'm sorry to be misleading!

  3. No offense taken, and yes we should pray for the salvation for family and friends.
