Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Micah 6:8

Micah 6:8 ~  He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doeth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God.

 This verse gives us a list of things we are supposed to do.  These are things God REQUIRES of us!  God calls these things "good".
  1.  To do justly
    What does this mean?  How do we "do justly" - to do justice is to be honest.  To live with integrity.  To follow through with what you say you're going to do.  If you promise someone something, you had better do it.  If you break something you borrowed from someone, you must be honest and repay them in some way.  That is the "just" thing to do.   This simply means that we are to treat them the way God would treat them. 
  2. To love mercy
    This means that we love others and we are willing to forgive them.  We don't worry about the fact that they broke our favorite thing, or didn't treat us well last week.  We love them and we forgive them because we know that's what God does for us when we make mistakes. 
  3. To walk humbly with thy God
    This means that we are willing to admit that we are sinners before God every day.  We must ask Him to help us live our lives for Him.  We must do what He wants us to do even when it's not fun or easy.  God can only use us and shine through us when we are humble; when we realize that we are nothing without Him.  We couldn't even breath if God didn't give us air and healthy lungs.  We must learn to acknowledge that He alone is God and we are nothing.  When we do this, He gets the glory and when He get's glory because of us, we become vessels of honor!  Other people may not look at us and see anything special, but God will consider us honorable, and that's all that counts!

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