Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Glowing in the Dark

I love using things children love to get Biblical truths across!!  And, seriously, what kid (or adult) doesn't like things that glow in the dark?? 

So, what do we have in common with glow-y things?? 

Well, we, as Christians, are supposed to shine "out loud" in a very dark world.  While others are busy living their lives their way, we are, or should, be trying to live in such a way as to reflect the light of God.   

We can glow in the dark!!  But, not on our own. 

In fact, if we try to glow by ourselves, we will never be successful.  We may wear all the right things, go to the right places, hang out with the right people, and say the right words in the right tone.  But, if we're doing these things to be seen, and heard, by others around us, then we're doing them for the wrong reason, and God is not glowing through us.  We are simply throwing up "good works" that are vain.  Worthless.  Empty. 

So, how do we glow in the dark?  We realize that we're not the ones that are glowing.  We are nothing more than the plastic tube that hols the glowing liquid.  We love God and live for Him.  We live every day conscious of His presence and His will for our lives.  We allow the light of His love to shine through us and the good works we do.  

God is the real light.  He's the pretty, glowing liquid that shines and glitters in the dark.  No child ever loved the plastic tube more than the glowing liquid.  They love the tube because of the neon glow.   As soon as the glowing stops, the tube is pitched. 

When we hide ourselves in God and allow His love and light to shine through, people will notice.  They will notice that something is different about us.  They notice the difference.  They notice God.

Matthew 5:14 - 16 ~  Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.  Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.


Friday, September 6, 2013

Too-Good-To-Be-True Healthy Ice Cream

I used to fuss about the kids (and husband) consuming soo much sugar, but then I found this really awesome "ice cream"!!  NO SUGAR INVOLVED AT ALL!!!   It's so nice to eat this sweet treat and not feel guilty.  Although, you feel like you SHOULD feel guilty because it really does taste too good to be true. 

 Not the greatest picture ever.  And, it may be slightly melted.  But it's still chocolate ice cream!!


1 Frozen Banana
1 Tablespoon of your favorite cocoa powder.  

Yep, you read it right!  That's ALL you need!

  1. Take the peels off your bananas before freeze them.  (I didn't take the peels of the first time I froze my bananas and they stuck.)
  2. Put frozen bananas in your blender or food processor.  You may need to wait a few moments for your bananas to thaw - just a tad.  Don't let them thaw too much.
  3. Puree your bananas and cocoa powder until smooth.  (You may need to add a few drops of milk to give it a creamy texture.)
  4. Plop in bowl and serve.
It's really that simple.  And, it tastes as good as it is easy.

We've even added strawberries to our frozen banana "ice cream".  That was pretty good too!

Thinking about trying peaches and/or maybe a few mini chocolate chips would be tasty too....just sayin'.  :) 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

"God's Smuggler"

I love to read.  The problem with books is that my kids like to eat and my husband enjoys a clean house.  As soon as I pick up a book, some most of the above goes straight out the window!  I just hate to put the thing down!  

For that reason, I do a lot of on line reading.  It's so much easier to stop reading an article than it is to put a book down.  Not to mention, books tend to have chapters while articles have only paragraphs. 

Reciently, I've been reading a book by "Brother Andrew" and John and Elizabeth Sherrill.  God's Smuggler.  It's fan-TAS-tic!!  

If you're into missionary stories; if you're into adventure and present day miracles; if you're into answered prayers and living a life of faith - then this is the book for you!!  It's absolutely filled with God's power and His provision!

I read this book for the first time when I was in 6th grade.  It made such an impression on me that, even then, I decided that my future children would be required to read it one day.  I bought the book this spring and I read it from cover to cover - again!!  It's still just as awesome as I remember.  If not more so.  

 I'm in the process of reading it, chapter by chapter, to my children.


God's Smuggler is about a Dutch missionary, known as "Brother Andrew" who goes behind the iron curtain delivering Bibles to Christians and pastors of churches who don't have any.  He lives by faith - completely by faith.  He never askes any one for anything!  He doesn't even go around gathering support from churches.  He simply trusts God to provide for his ministry and his family.  

The whole book is amazing.  Right down to the very end where I discovered that the very people he was hiding from - the KGB - had been required to read his story.  They knew what he was doing, but couldn't arrest him because they couldn't ever catch him.  Could it be because he prayed, "God, you've made blind eyes see.  Please, make seeing eyes blind!"?  Could God have answered that prayer - over and over again??  He had Bibles.  No one ever saw them at any of the boarder checks - not even when he left them out in plain sight on the seat beside him.  No one ever stopped him.  No one!  Could God work such miracles??  Ummm....yeess....!! 

And, I believe He can and WILL work such miricles in our lives today if we let Him!  You may ask how we can STOP Him?  

By lacking faith!!   

Matthew 9:29 - According to your faith be it unto you.

I don't have any links or get paid for advertising this book.  I'm simply recommending it because this is the kind of thing I want my kids to know.  In my opinion, this is the kind of thing Christians to need more of!  

Do consider it - especially if you have children or grandchildren.  It's easy reading, and filled with adventure!  It's life changing!!  

Please, leave me a message below if you decide to give it a try!  I'd love to know your thoughts too!! 

Monday, July 8, 2013

U.S. Geography Made Personal!

SUMMER SCHOOL!!  ~ My kids love it!  {Believe it or not, they beg to do it every day.} 

I chose a few topics I wanted them to learn this summer and U.S. Geography just happened to be one of them.

{I love Geography!}

We bought a good size map for only $10.00 at Hobby Lobby - my favorite store EVER!!  We also bought star stickers, which came in a package of 5 different colors.  This worked out perfectly since I have 4 kids and we had a cousin at our house the day we started our project.   Each kid was able to have his/her own color to put on each state they're been to. 

Each kid had to find all of the states they've been to, tell me the name of those state, find the capitols, and then tell me something they had done or remembered about that state.  They had a blast!  {Kinda hard to see all the stars for the glare on the picture above.}

Now, that we have the stars on the map, we've been learning the Capitols, and discussing the states we've yet to visit.  What's there?  What's the weather like?  What kind of animals live in that state?  ** My personal favorite question ~ What famous person is from a particular state?  These types of things....

It makes Geography come alive when you put a more personal spin on it! 

Oh, and did I mention, they're all trying to beat each other at getting more stars on the map?  Not sure how that's going to go down since they all go everywhere together, but we shall see....  =D

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Girls' Day Out!!

Recently I was able to take my girls out and spend a whole day with them!  And, believe it or not, we were able to do it on a very minimal budget.   {Actually, we planned and saved for weeks leading up to it.  I think that was half the fun!}

I was given a gift card from the school I work at as a "Thank You" and it was the exact amount needed to take the girls and get them new dresses to wear on our Girl's day!!  I love to watch God provide things the way He does!

 Before pedis....

We also bought new flip-flops with that gift card!  Had to have flip-flops so we wouldn't mess up our pedis!!  {This was the girls' first pedis!!}

Flip-Flops are life savers for me!!  

When the kids wear flip-flops, I don't have to wash, search for, and fold socks!!

After pedis....

 Just a few crazy pictures of my crazy girls....

We were able to go to Logan's Steak House!!  We stratiegiclay planned our fun day on a Tuesday because all Kid's Meals are only $3.00 each and that includes their drinks!!  I always drink lemon water and we didn't get any dessert {because the school gave me a gift card to Steak and Shake too!!} so we at at a really nice restaurant for only $20.00 including the tip!! 

Like Mother; like daughter ~  reading ingredients!

Later we got milk shakes at at Steak & Shake using the other gift card given me by the school I work at.  Once again God provided a little "extra" for us on our special day!

The girls were all needing new shoes, so we worked together to earn some extra money.  Each girl earned $15.00 plus whatever money they already had.  I bought them each a pair of shoes for church and they bought themselves a pair for play.  Then, we went 'shopping' with the leftover money!  

It was a really great day!

When I think that I only ever wanted sons and not daughters...!!!  God knew what I needed.  I'm so glad He has blessed me these beautiful girls!

Monday, July 1, 2013



Its been a SUPER CRAZY summer so far! 

I started cleaning the church.

My husband had his second surgery on his shoulder, followed by an episode of low blood pressure.  {His blood pressure was like 85/65 one day!!  I'm no doctor, but I didn't even know it was possible to have blood pressure this low and still be living!}   

Oh, and did I mention he was diagnosed with vertigo to boot??  

I was diagnosed with blood poisoning due to some blisters I got mowing the lawn.  You see, I lived in AZ at the age most kids learn to mow...and then I went to Bible College....and then I got married.  I'd never mowed the yard a day in my life!!  While it's really not that hard, it's simply a lot of work and I got my hands blistered up pretty good.  Funny thing about grass - it tends to continue growing!  Which means I had to continue mowing.  So, my blisters got infected and I ended up in the ER with a red line going up my arm and bunch of ant-biotics. 

We had an AWESOME week of Kid's Krusdae at church!  Our theme was Army Vs Navy.  I was Army!!  Army Won!!  We had 21 children and 1 adult saved.  We registered over 290 children which is awesome for our little church and single bus route!  It was a fun week and very busy, but we survived and it was worth every ounce of energy!  

We've entered a 9 month season of physical therapy.   And yes, I mean WE have entered this season.  My husband goes three times a week for an hour.   He has to take meds before he goes which means he's considered legally intoxicated.  Which means I am his "designated driver".  Which means I do TONS of driving him around on "therapy days".  It's been "normal" for me to spend up to 6 hours a day in the car on these day, picking him up and dropping him off at work, or therapy, or taking him to do his running.  It's definitely been a struggle, but not impossible. 

God has promised not to give us more than we can handle and while there have been days when I wondered how much more I could take, I know that God is there all the time. 

Here are some wonderful things God has done for us this summer:

  • My husband's surgery was a success and all is healing well so far
  • My husband has improved to the point where he can now bathe and dress himself again!!  This is a HUGE time saver! 
  • My husband took me on a one night get away for our anniversary.  We had a sauna and a hot tub in our room!  It was fantastic!  We even got massages!!  The down side is that Jeremy was medicated the entire time.  He said about 3 sentences that actually made since the entire time! =D   At first I was upset by this, but a couple of hours into it I realized that it was God's plan for my weekend.  I was able to relax and enjoy some "alone time" that I think I really needed! 
  • A neighbor surprised me and mowed our yard during the week of our Kid's Krusade!  HUGE BLESSING!
  • A pastor friend across town bought my husband a new recliner when his broke.  {He's been sleeping in his recliner since he can't lay flat with is shoulder yet, so it was defiantly a necessity!}
  • Our oldest has started guitar lessons
  • Someone found a dehumidifier at a FANTASTIC price, knew we needed one and bought it for us!  
  • A man in our church has been mowing the grass for me since Kid's Krusade just to help lessen the load since so many things have been added to my already busy schedule. 
  • I'm going to start watching some children so that I can be a blessing to some friends.  I'm very excited to help them out! 
  • I've been able to spend quality time with my children doing what we call "Summer School".  

There are so many more blessings that God has given.  These are just the "BIG" ones!!  God is so good and so faithful!  This would be the world's longest post if I continued to list every little thing that God has done to show me He's here and He cares!  So many prayers answered.  So many necessities provided!! 

I share all of this, not because I want you to feel sorry for me, but because I want you to know why I've been so quite lately.  My husband told me I need to get back into blogging.  And he did so just  a day after I felt the Lord saying the same thing. 

Pray for me as I do my best to juggle all these responsibilities and get back into blogging!!  I would feel so successful if I could, by blogging, encourage at least one person a day! 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

our new home...I love to decorate!!

Well, we've been working on moving into a "new" house all summer!  {Did I mention it's the hottest summer on record?}  We've done a lot of updating and remodeling.  It's finally coming together and many of you have asked to see some pictures of the finished product, so here ya go....

The living room...or part of it.

A bit more of the living room.... I didn't take a pic of the wall to my left for some reason but there's a few more pictures and a piano...not too exciting...

A shot of the dinning room from the kitchen.

Part of my kitchen...with stuff on the counter.  
I supposed I could have cleaned it up BEFORE I took the pictures!  :) 

The other end of the kitchen...

Antiques and old things above my fridge...I love anything vintage!!

Here's the hall case you were wondering.  The mirror at the end has "snow" on it and a cute little snowman barn star!  I love winter too!  Our children's rooms and bathroom are down this hall...

My favorite pictures of my children!!  I just love them!  
Are they not the cutest things you've ever seen?  And "vintage" to boot!!
Ya just can't beat it!
Well, there ya have it!  That's the majority of the upstairs of our home.  The basement contains a laundry room, our room, a storage area and some shelving for my canning jars and's really not much to look at yet.  Maybe someday I'll get it decorated too!? 


Well, apparently this was supposed to be posted back in October?  Really not sure what happened at this point.  I guess I forgot to post it.   Our house pretty much looks like this still except for a few newly decorated spots...because I LOVE to decorate and continue to decorate and re-decorate spots here and there.  We have "new" furniture in our living room because our youngest got the flu last winter and ruined our couch - that's all I'm going to say about that.  :)  

This post is mostly for those of my family and friends that live so many miles away and don't get a chance to come over.  Any and all are welcome at any time - just don't blame me if you come unannounced and it's messy!  We do love company though.  Any one, any time!